No Return

7: Anderkant: I Have No Idea What's Happening!

Kier Zhou Season 5 Episode 7

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Are you finding Anderkant confusing and difficult to follow? Well how do you think Min feels?!

Min finally makes it to Anderkant and encounters one of it's denizens. Gnilfeit makes gets more involved with the Lessee's plans... H keeps manipulating our hapless hero.

Gnilfeit- Krissi Williams
Thae Oraen - Gemma Maclean Mair
Miner 1 - Adam Robinson
Miner 2 - Stuart Bullock @Thisisbardcore

Everyone else- Kier Zhou

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  Lessee: Welcome! Esteemed Ladies and Gentlemen! Persons of character and vision abound in this hallowed hall today. Hallowed? I hear you ask… and it is, or…I should rather say, it shall become. For it is here, now, today! That you and I take the first steps toward creating a new future! A future free of the Wildland blight! Free of the Affliction which withers our unborn in the womb and Free! Finally Free! Of the ignorance that the Orphaning forced upon us, when it stripped us of our connection to our past!...and….who knows… perhaps we might even find ourselves free of the deafening silence your…[correcting] our gods left ringing in our ears… Ladies and Gentlemen… I introduce to you today, a project with ambition unlike any other…a project which will pierce deep into the fiercest depths of the darklands, using the fascinating tools so generously donated to us by the Kabouter of Xing… we will enter the fabled lost city of Anderkant… we will reclaim our history! We will reclaim our birthright! And we will make this world whole again!
 [Silence… single hand clapping]

Lessee: and you will all leave here…very…very rich!
 [Rapturous applause]

Thank you…Thank you… welcome to the Anderkant Project
 Teresa: He’s here Boss… the one you said to keep an eye out for…
 Lessee: Yes…the enthusiastic clapper, I presume… sent by our benefactor…
 Teresa: Aye, that’s the one…
 Lessee: Send him to a private room…Let us see what surprise our mysterious Lessor has sent us…
 [Transition to Min drinking tea in the lounge- Door opens and he spills the cup standing up]
 Min: Oh! Gods! I am so sorry! I totally just…ummm…urrr… Hello my name is Min-Min…I’m a deepener from…

Lessee: [Surprised] You? He sent…you?

Min: I can clean it up…its just tea not as dark as Buno…it’ll wash right out…ummm.

[Long awkward pause]

Lessee: I was told to expect you… do you have something for me? Is there something I can do for you Mr?
 Min: Oh…ummm…It’s Min…Min-Min, did I say that already? I’m sorry I’m pretty nervous…this is my first time on the surface and you are ummm….giving off a pretty cold sort of vibe…you seemed so much friendlier in the letter…
 Lessee: I wrote you letters?

Min: Yes… you wrote to all the deepeners asking for volunteers….remember…I was the one who wrote back…the only one… Min-Min…M-I-N-M-I-N…
 Lessee: Oh…[to self] so he has taken to corresponding on my behalf…quite the liberty he takes [starting to catch on] of course. I am terribly sorry Min…It has been a very busy day and my mind is simply all over the place. Quite.    are here representing the Deepeners on our wonderful expedition and you will be placed front and centre of the action, working with the advance teams to set up the domes…
 Min: Oh…I…umm…I thought I would be helping with the mines?
 Lessee: No…no my dear boy… you will be at the sharp end of history, bathed in light for all to see.

Min: Oh…do I need to be?

[Sounds of walking and panting, sounds of Leps scuttling about near Min]
H! H! I’m here! I can see Anderkant!

H: Okay bud! That’s amazing! What can you see

Min: I am on a hill just southwest of the city… it’s…so much to finally be here… Right…ummm… let me get out the spyglass… [gets out spy glass] I can see a whole load of sand, with bits and pieces of what looks like the ancient city poking out.

[Awkward pause]

H: Bloody hell Min… is that the best you’ve got! Slap some bloody sauce on it…I heard you reading to your kid, you’ve got some bard in you- tell me what you can see! I don’t want to go to my grave imagining ‘loads of sand with bits of rock poking out!’
 Min: Haha! Fine! Fine! It's hard to believe that this place was once something to write home about. Now, it's just a load of old ruins buried in the desert. From up here, I see the sun casting shadows across the sand, showing off what's left of the buildings. Most of them are hidden under the sand, with just the tops sticking out. I reckon a good storm could cover most of them up completely. I can see the Leps crawling all over this place, hundreds of the dark creepy little bastards scuttling about… In the distance, there's one huge building. It's got to be a temple or something, with tall columns and fancy carvings. They're all worn down now, but I can just imagine the sort of stuff that went on in there, back when this place was still alive and kicking. Looking around, I can see bits of walls and what's left of other buildings, but it's impossible to tell what they were for from here. The wind's blowing through the gaps, making everything feel a bit spooky. It's a strange feeling, standing here and staring at this wreck of a city. It makes you think about how everything, no matter how great, can just fall apart and get swallowed up by time. A reminder of what happens when we're gone and the world keeps on turning.

 H: Shit… alright… dial back the pathos mate you’ll have me a quivering wreck! Right! Okay! That’s enough gabbing. Let’s see if we can find something to save our arses shall we? Anything standing out as-

Min-Min: {Interrupting] Woah! I just saw a flash of light!

H: What? Like a reflection?

Min: No! like shadows flashing  away between some buildings….and…[messes with spyglass] smoke…I can see smoke!
Well! That sounds pretty significant! Get moving Min! Get moving!

Has anyone seen the godsdamn tinkerer? [Silence] Fine…Fine…we’ll get started without him…
 The Anderkant Project is simple in concept but complex in it’s execution. We are going as deep as anyone has ever been into the darklands. So far that the air just goes and well, stops hanging around. Now I don’t know about Ya’ll but I can’t breathe hard vacuum…and neither could these fella’s take a look…yeah..yeah..…  these eidlons show you what happens if you don’t take the safety precautions serious out there. That’s why we’ve gone and brought the air with us. We are diggin’ big, long old tunnels under ground and pumping them full o’ fresh air. Put your hand down I know what you’re gonna ask. Why do we have to keep coming above ground, right? Simple. Guthracite. The LUDENs stop working anywhere near the stuff and, lucky us, this far out into the darklands you could encounter it anywhere- but especially at the depths we’re cuttin’. That’s why the coolies head up to the surface they set up an atmospheric dome… or atmodome above ground. Walk past over the Guthracite vein and set up another dome and we start cuttin’ again. Put your damn hands down, imma get to it. There is a lot riding on this project friends. We could well be saving the world. We could slow our asses down sure, dig out the Gutracit by hand like mommy and daddy taught us…but every day we delay is another day lost to the Wildland Blight… another cold carry child lost to the affliction… and another day that we are separated from the knowledge we lost in the great orphaning… So be safe out there…follow the precautions…and we’ll all be safe, you hear!
 [Sound of Min recording for his family]
 Bully 1: Alright short stuff!
 Bully 2:
Got lost again?
 Bully 1: Broke anything yet?

Bully 2: Need us to carry anything for you?

Bully 1: Wouldn’t want you to be late
 Min: Sorry, what was that?
 Bully 2: Are you being serious?

Bully 1: Are you so incompetent you can’t even hear when you aren’t wanted?
 Min: Sorry? Who wanted me?

Bully 2: [exasperated sigh] Torriq wants you in his office.
 Door opens and closes
 Torriq: Hey Min…why don’t you take a seat…[min takes seat] so….how do you think things have been going since you arrived?
 Min: It’s been challenging for sure…I miss my family and I…
 Torriq: Truth is Min that your performance has been below the standard expected of personnel on such an important mission. You are frequently late, and distracted and your task completion rate is lower than anyone else on the team… no one wants to work with you…
 Min: I am still learning and none is really teaching me…I haven’t worked with…with…ummm…surface dwellers before and its so easy to get lost when there is so much open space…. And…and you all use time differently here… its confuse-
 Torriq: I am afraid it just isn’t working out. We are going to have to let you go.
 Min: What?! I left my home for this! My family! Please! Transfer me to mine maintenance! I can’t leave now!
 Torriq: I’m sorry Min… You just aren’t cut out for this…

Gnil: Okay brother… just hold my hand…

Lessee: Must I? Really?
 Gnilfiet: Unless you can suddenly teleport on your own…yes
 Lessee: Fine.
 [Reverse suction followed by Gnil teleport sound {ensure to shift soundscapes empty desert wind to military camp]
 Gnilfeit: And here we are safe and sound as promised…
 Lessee: Well…you didn’t drop me into hard vacuum… how fortunate

Gnilfeit: Would I?

Billy: [Noticing the arrival of Gnil and Dewig]
DARK FATHER! DARK FATHER! WE ARE NOT WORTHY! [sound of other troops genuflecting and praying]
 Gnilfeit: Dark Father? Really? You are doing that again?

Lessee: [out the side of his mouth/through gritted teeth/grimace] It serves a purpose…the mortals respond predictably to it…

Gnilfeit: and who are you pretending to be this time?
 Lessee: Keep your voice down sister… no need to upset the mortals…they are still useful.
 Gnil: So…Who’s name did you take, Nomed (pronounced Gnome-eth)?
 Lessee: Dewig… I am Dewig this time.
 Gnilfeit: And the mundane and banal ‘Lessee’ of a silly little mine operation at the same time?  I suppose it explains how you were able to wear such a dull mantle for as long as you did…feeding your ego with pretensions of godhood in your spare time … [wistful] So many faces you have worn…[mocking] I wonder how you keep track…
 Lessee: I know who I am sister, names are simply dressing. You give them too much power.

Gnilfeit: Who was it first? Mor'talune the Sacred Storm, or was it Deth'raziir: Bringer of Divine Retribution? Nask'valar, Chosen of the Pantheons? No…no…it was Ythragor: Harbinger of Hallowed Wrath, then it was  Skel'nothar: Wielder of the Consecrated Flame… was that before or after Vosk'rienth: Emissary of the Sanctified Realms? And what was your name last time? That’s right… Herrik Puru,  Violet Eyed Paladin of the Blessed Crusade [laughter] … now you have taken on the mantle of Dewig himself right hand of the Nightmother. It must be dreadfully difficult trying to keep them all straight.
 Lessee: Yes, yes…very good sister. I hope you are enjoying yourself… I had a very long time in that dark place to think about our many lives…our many sins…and the many injustices we bore under many names… but anyone else who knew those names is long dead, [emphasise] Anhrefn

Gnilfeit: [Simmering Rage] Do not! Use that name with me!

Lessee: [soft chuckle] As I say…you give names far too much power… I am sorry Sister… You seemed so concerned with my many names… I quite forgot you hated the one mother gave you.
My name is Gnilfeit, brother. A name I took of my own. 
Of course, please accept my sincerest apologies sister… you know how forgetful I can be…please give me a moment to tend to my flock. They do get rather bothersome if I starve them of attention for too long.
 [Sounds of the Lessee walking through the troops blessing them- switches to Tran and H’s perspective]
Is that her? Is she really going to help us?
Maybe…maybe Tran….we shall see…

[Door closes]

Gnil: [Composing herself and shaking off her anger] So…now that I am helping you so intimately with your mission… and …I didn’t even try to kill you…even when you made it so easy… will you perhaps consider telling me where you have been getting all your information from? After all, you have only been free for a short time, yet…you have learned so much about this new world…and you didn’t even bother to ask me.

Lessee: Hurt, are we?
 Gnilfeit: Not at all. Impressed, honestly. This whole project shows great talent, restraint and…well…knowledge. Knowledge which should have been locked away…impossible for either of us to find…and yet…you managed… in a very short time.
 Lessee: I am industrious… and motivated… what can I say.

Gnil: But rarely so patient or controlled… you had help, no doubt. But I wonder from whom…. Does it have anything to do with this mysterious ‘Lessor’ I have been hearing rumours about?
 Lessee: [hearty laughter] Well…you have been keeping a close eye on me it seems.
 Gnilfeit: The Benefactor of this little expedition … it seems no one knows their name nor has           anyone ever seen their face… you would need to be awfully trusting to accept the aid of such an obviously shadowy and malign force.  It only seemed prudent to keep a close watch…with so much at stake…and I suspect I have only kept you as closely surveilled as you have kept me.
  Lessee: Ha! You know… I  rather thought it was you for a while… This Lessor who presumes to manipulate me…

Gnilfeit: Presumes? From where I am sitting, you are their marionette. Dancing out here in the Darklands doing their bidding.

Lessee: Looks can be deceiving sister….but…whoever they are they are very good a hiding their tracks…and they show wisdom and knowledge well beyond that possible of the mortals…and yet…[veering off] I tracked them as far as Sada Emedu, hence my suspicions of you. Someone with means, of course, someone with power… also but someone comfortable operating in the shadows of power. I don’t trust them, but they have delivered on their promises thus far…one way or another… I will find them, and I will eliminate them before all of this is through. Malign or beneficent, friend or foe… they have manipulated me from the shadows. I will not tolerate such barefaced arrogance…[laugh].
 Gnilfeit: but you must suspect someone or something? An Aeon? An Archon or an Asura? Did any of the Marid survive the fall perhaps? I’ve seen no sign of Elysian or Netheren since the…since we were locked away …other than the old one in the endless sea…
 Lessee: I suspect, as you do, that they have all perished…nothing could have survived what happened. I was so certain for so long that it was you pulling my strings and guiding my way.   
 Gnil: Ha! And what changed your mind?

 Lessee: Hmmm…something about the machinations of the Lessor tells me they are a mortal… despite their guile and apparent wisdom, they reek of desperation… … they also showed me things that you would never dare…[scoff] and…not to mention… I don’t believe you could ever resist gloating for this long… could you?

 Torriq: [On SOFS] Yes…yes sir….but….he is holding up….sir it’s not the first….I understand sir… no…I don’t have anything against Kabouter…or deepeners… it’s about perf….yes sir… he’s coming here now? [deep breath] Yes sir…I will reinstate him. [closes SOFS]

[Knock on door]

Torriq: [Sigh] Come in.

[Door opens]
Thank you so much for this chance Torriq… I promise I will do whatever I need to, to make this right… your faith isn’t misplaced.

Torriq: Let’s not pretend Min. I don’t know what sort of deal you’ve got with the higher-ups, but you’ve obviously got more than enough clout for us to avoid this song and dance. Is it the LUDENs? You got family in Xing or something? They gonna stop supplying the equipment if we don’t keep you front and centre?

Min: Ummm….I’m a bit lost…who has family in Xing? I’m from Shen Yuan, we don’t have enough LUDENs to share…I don’t think…I can write and ask but my people aren’t….well….they aren’t very keen on the project…or the surface in general… But if you need more LUDENs…I mean…I can ask…if that’s what the project needs…
 Torriq: Damn… you are clueless about this too…huh? Min…[sigh] look Min…no one wants to work with you... you are a nice enough little guy but you just make more work for the rest of us. I have to put you back on rotation, but you are gonna be working solo…you know that ups your risk right? If something goes wrong out there, you are on your own.
 Min: If that’s what it takes… I’ll do it.
 [Sound of footsteps and clicking of the Leps]

H: Can you see anything, mate?
 Min: I am nearly there…I can smell the smoke now…it smells…awful…acrid….like burning hair…
 [Sounds of footsteps]
 Min: [Gasp]

H: What is it?!

Min: There is someone here…

H: What do you mean someone?! More Leps?!
 Min: No…I mean yes…there are Leps all over the place here but no…there is definitely a person…I can definitely hear footsteps…heavy footsteps… and… [sound of whispering female voice speaking elvish] a voice…a woman’s voice I think….

[awkward pause]

Min: What do I do H?!

H: Fucked if I know mate…watch and wait… figure out if they are hostile…

Min: Yeah…yeah….I’ll just keep an eye on them and see what they [sounds of shuffling against the wall]

H: What are they doing?

Min: Woah…she is very tall! I mean…I think it’s a she… she is wearing heavy golden armour and kneeling in front of whatever is burning…talking to herself? Praying maybe?
 H: Can you hear what she is saying?
 Min: No… she is too far away…
 H: What race is she?
 Min: What?
 H: Is she Renfolk? Nix? Uruk? Tangata?
 Min: Tangata? I’d have said if she had feathers and a beak! I can’t see from here… and why do you care what race she is? What a weird question.

H: No! You are making it weird! What are the chances she speaks Vox? You might have to try Truetongue or Elvish or…

Min: Everyone speaks Vox! She-
 [Sound of magical Immolation and horrific screaming]

H: What?! What do you mean she’s on fire!?

[Sound of Min running over and screams and fire louder]
Oh gods! Oh gods! Ummm….Ummmm…..[pulls blanket out of his pack and begins patting her down] Oh gods! Oh gods! [continues frantically trying to administer aid]

H: Min! What is happening mate?
 [Sizzling and gasping]

Min: ummm….are…you okay?
 Thae: [Dying raspy] Fana? Meldo? Cotumo? [Death Rattle]
 Min: WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!? SHE JUST BURST INTO FUCKING FLAME! WHY!? WHY!? [Vomit] [Vomit][Vomit] Oh! Gods! The smell! [Vomit]

H: Are you okay Min? are you hurt?

Min: My bed roll isn’t going to make it…but I’m okay…I…what the hell…

H: What now mate?

Min: There’s more of them….

H: More people?! Get to cover until you-

Min: No…more of…[sounds of metal moving] gods… a dozen of them…burnt to a crisp and entombed in this golden armour…[walking a little further and investigating more armour] Some of them are [wretch] rotted to the charred bone. [More steps followed by a crunch]…Oh gods…no… please don’t…

H: Come on Min…what else….

[Kneels down and brushes away sand]
more under the sand…rotted and decayed…I don’t know how many more.

Ok…mate…can you see what race she was?
 Min: What?! Why are you asking that again?
 H: Come on mate…does she have Grey/Green skin? Tusks? Pointed ears?
She is burned to a crisp! Why are you asking that again?
 Min: Shit! Someone else is coming.
 H: Quick! Find some cover!
 Thae: Mana ná lúmenyáresse? Elen síla, mal úme rato.
 Min: There is nowhere to hide! Shit!
 Thae: Úcarelyë, eä, yá carnë sina.
 Min: Ummm..uuummm…[Horrified] hail and well met?

What’s going on mate?

Thae: Oialë, eä, oialë!
 Min: You know that tall woman in the golden armour who just set herself on fire and died…

H: Yeah...

Min: Well…she’s back.

H: Back?
 Min: Hello I am Min-Min of the Anderkant project… I mean you no harm…

Thae: Cirya lá nauva, anda sáma. Úquétima, yá haryanë túr.
 H: What is she saying?
 Min: I don’t know…she isn’t speaking vox…
 H: Hmmmm… perhaps if we knew what race she was we might make an educated guess as to which language to use…
 Min: I don’t know what race she is… and I only speak Daep and Vox…[to Thae] Are you okay… you look…you look a little distressed…
 Thae: Eru, mapuvë i námo sina. Násë i lúme, yá hiruvanë.
 H: What does she look like? Is she showing any hostility…

It’s okay…it’s okay…everything is fine…[to H] no hostility…yet… just confusion she seems lost…dazed maybe…
 H: What does she look like Min?!
 Min: Like nothing I’ve ever seen… I can't actually believe my eyes…[to Thae] You don’t need to look at those…okay…they are dead and gone but you are here with me…can you understand me? [to H] I'm looking' at this tall, slender creature that's just... there is no other way to describe her…she’s  beautiful. Her skin's got this soft, shimmery quality like it's changing' colours with every little shift. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it's like watching' an opal catching' the light just right. And her eyes! They're huge and sort of hypnotizing', filled with gold but colours, as well I haven’t seen before. [To Thae] Yes…they are the Leps…they kept me safe and guided me here…I think…they are following me at least…do you recognise them? Can you communicate with them? [To H] The eyes have got these long, narrow pupils, and they seem to be looking' right through me. I can't help but be drawn to 'em. But her hair – it's something else, I thought it was a trick of the light before… It's like it's made of light, glowing' all soft and warm-like, and flowing' down her back. Since I’ve been on the surface, I've seen beautiful sunsets and moonlit nights, but this hair's got all those colours wrapped up into one, shimmering' and shifting as it moves. It's like something' out of a storybook…it’s like something from the Saga…[To Thae]the saga… Is…is it?

Thae: [Getting increasingly agitated] Oiala nauva, ilya úcarë. Eä, úquétima, i lúmenya lanta.
 Min: She’s getting a bit upset H…I’m not sure…
 Thae: Invocare [in-voke-car-ray]

[Thae magically summons a fireball in her hands]
No! No! Please don’t do it!
Min! Min! Leave it alone!
 [Sounds of struggling]
 Min: No! Please… don’t!
 [Sounds of the Leps getting agitated and upset]
 [She knocks him into a wall with her overwhelming strength]

Min: Oof!

[Leps begin making very aggressive sounds]
 Thae: [Broken English/Vox] Fleet-ing Wisps wiw blow a way.

[Sounds of Thae powering up a spell]

 H: Min are you alright? Run! Run!
 Min: Please… I just want to help
 [Leps attack Thadene…she begins screaming, then laughing before self-immolating]

Thae: Úmavëa apacen, ilya vácan nin! [Infernal flames, consume me whole]
[overlay the elvish and the English with maniacal laughter turning to gasping death rattle and Min’s horrified scream]

 H: Fucking hell mate! What is going on!
 Min: I HAVE NO IDEA H! WHAT IS HAPPENING!? I THOUGHT SHE WAS GOING TO KILL ME! [Catching his breath…panting] Some of the Leps attacked her and then she just burned up again… what is going on H….what in all the hells is going on…

H: I don’t know bud… but I reckon you get out of there before she comes back…

Min: Come back?! Gods…’re right… …I’m not sure she’s… …I’m not sure she’s all there….
 [Sounds of min getting up and moving out- sound of more Leps joining him]

H: Silver lining though…

Min: What?
 H: You was right… she spoke Vox after all…
 Min: H…
 H: Yeah bud….
 Min: That’s not funny…

[Sounds of Min wandering around the workshop recording things for his son excitedly]

: Alright y’all gather round. Toolbox talk. Y’all are gonna be setting up and taking down LUDENs more than most so it’s important y’all know how they work…or I mean…at least how to get the most out of ‘em in case you find yourself in trouble out in the darklands.

Bully 1: Is the Tiny Tinkerer not joining us, Rick?
 Torriq: Ignore him for now…I’ll get him up to speed later…
 Bully 2: Why is he getting special treatment Rick?
 Torriq: The only special treatment he is getting is not knowing what to do when the war horn sounds…So LUDEN’s: Limited Use Device of Esoteric Nature. The Tiny-Tinkerers out east managed to achieve the impossible and went and found a way to reliably and safely store arcane energy and to channel it through a device to achieve an arcane function or ‘a specific cast’. For those of you sharing a troll’s wit… I shall translate: they made stuff for us folk too poor to afford the schooling, or too mundane to channel the elements… to use magic… since the end of the last age when the gods up and left it was assumed that when it came to the esoteric arts…you either got it, or you aint… but all that changed with this…

[cracks open SOFS]

Bully 1: Did you just break your SOFS?
Fear not- this one was already spent. That is not an excuse for all of y’all to go around breaking shit… this stuff is expensive and it all gets accounted for… a man can be flayed alive for not husbanding their LUDENs properly on my ship, you hear? Right… so inside every LUDEN is one of these… the Shimong call it an ‘Ogone Core’ this is what stores and keeps all that mystical magical energy stable enough to use. It powers your SOFS, it powers the lumes and the pumps, it powers the damn tunnellers and the atmodomes. Now… each device is only designed for a limited use… but…in extremis… for those borrowing mental capacity from an ogre that means ‘in an emergency’… in extremis you can remove the Ogone core from one device and plug it into another…so long as the device isn’t all busted… or the Ogone core isn’t spent…you might get lucky enough to get another couple of turns of the wheel.

Bully 2: Might?

Yes… as I said…you only really want to do something like this if you are thick in the shit with no way out. Coz…though it might save your skin…well…it might also backfire and turn you inside out.
 [Mins voice growing increasingly loud and irritating as the lesson progresses] 

Gods damn it Min! Is this your idea of trying?!
 [Min’s voice is a little distant]
 Min: Sorry Torriq…I promised to send weekly messages to my family and I’m already so far beh…
 Torriq: Surely there is a better time…than the start of a damn shift…
 Bully 1: The Wee Schemer’s are all funny about their family I hear… that’s why only the weird ones ever come out to the surface.
 Torriq: Now.. Let’s keep this professional. Min, your Kabouter stock: What do you know about the Ogone?
 Min: Ummm….The Shimong discovered the original Ogone in an ancient undercity a few years ago, my people believe it’s a holy relic… slivers of the original Ogone are used to power LUDENs which have transformed Shimean society and given hope to-
 Torriq: Not after a history or politics lesson Min… this is a toolbox talk… something useful to the team would be nice…
 Min: Ummm…they don’t work near Guthracite…
[Sigh] Thanks Min…
 Bully 2: What did you mean by original Ogone?
 Min: Well that’s hidden away in a secret location somewhere deep beneath the earth… apparently all kinds of people have been trying to steal it or destroy it…so the government in Xing keep it’s location secret… the stuff we have are just little slithers or cut offs..
 Torriq: Come on now, don’t let him distract you too! We are already running behind!
 [footsteps- muted sound of mysterious voice growing- small creak of door]
 Lessor creepy voice via Cordis:
By now you have learned what lies beneath the wildlands…what the blood of Ansa kept contained…you have learned what the gods feared…I promised you vengeance Nomed of the Blessed…I have shown you where they hide… do as you must…do as you will…take the Deepener to the city of Anderkant…end this once and for all…

Lessee: I will end this…and whatever angle you are playing Lessor…you will be found out…

[Door creaks louder]
 Lessee: Skulking in the shadows as always I see…
 Gnilfeit: I see…So this is how he communicates with you?
 Lessee: Yes. I find these cordis opportunely laid about waiting for me, containing instructions and directions. Often appearing out of thin air.
 Gnilfeit: I can see why you suspected me now brother. It is a rather ingenious way to remain anonymous…

Lessee: And it requires the sender to know exactly where I am…or where I will be…
Now that is an ominous proposition… I can see why you might be uncomfortable with the arrangement…come…your acolytes are getting anxious… shall we adjourn to discuss the next steps with them?
 Lessee: After you.

[footsteps- door opens]
Tran…will you give us a minute…
 Tran: Of course, H. [Turning to Dewig] All praise to you Dewig, our Dark Father, exalted one. I bow before your greatne-

Lessee: Yes… that is quite pious enough Nart…you may leave.
 Tran: It’s Tran Dark Father…
 Lessee: What was that?
 Tran: Nothing Dark Father, I will take my leave.
 H: Great Dewig, Dark Father, I stand before you in awe and reverence…
 Gnilfeit: [Snort and titter]

Lessee: Enough of the pleasantries, Herrand. Give me an update on progress.
 H: As you wish Dark Father. Exalted Sovereign Ilkea it is a pleasure to be graced with your presence again… 
 Lessee: Ilkea? [to Gnilfeit] Mother’s name? and you teased me. [to H] So… you have met? Curious-

Gnilfeit: Surely you remember brother, your little escapade in Terrq when you and your Drake friends blew up a mountain and took over the country?
 H: I was introduced to your divine sibling briefly during the Reach Expedition, when we fought the Mageslayers, Dark Father.
 Lessee: Fought who?

Just some troublemakers who had managed to get hold of a remnant by chance…

Hmmm. Of course… how could I forget…how much simpler things might have been had we secured what we needed there and then…interesting…Sister, you do have a tendency to turn up when things start to get complicated don’t you? … please continue Herrand.
 H: Of course, The coolie has entered Anderkant and appears to be protected by the creatures there. He has not yet discovered any remnants or any major power source but he did encounter a creature matching the description you gave us…so it looks like she is indeed still there…but that she might be a little…
 Lessee: Yes?
 H: Her eggs might be a little scrambled dark father… she appears confused.
 Lessee: You speak very crudely of a celestial Herrand…I wonder how you speak of me in my absence.
 H: Sorry dark father… I simply meant to say that she may be in need of your divine aid. There are only really a few places the remnants are likely to be [begins drifting off and becomes muted as Gnilfeit and H speak telepathically]
 Gnilfeit: [Telepathically] Is everything prepared? Did you receive everything you need from Trydydd’s men?
 H: Trydydd? Your other brother?

Gnilfeit: Yes. Third. Without it, it is going to be most difficult to land a blow against your ‘dark father’. I hope Third supplied plenty.

H: Aye… we have a vac ship full of the stuff… it has not been easy to hide it…
 Gnilfeit: Well…it is your ticket to freedom…along with me of course…assuming you seek a freedom other than the sweet release of death.
 H: I-
 Lessee: [Cutting in] Really? Did you think I wouldn’t notice?

H: [Reverb gone indicating no longer telepathic] Shit can he hear us!?

Gnilfeit: [Telepathic] Calm down! I’ve shielded your mind.
 Lessee: What poison is she putting in your mind Herrand?

Gnilfeit: [Scoff] You really are no fun at all Dewig.[Sultry] I was simply making a few private suggestions to your very handsome plaything here…I’m very sorry… I find all this planning and updating very dry…I was just trying to spice things up a little, give us something to look forward to when it was all done. You do pick very rugged acolytes, brother…perhaps we share the same tastes…

Lessee: Hmmm… Herrand?
 Herrand: Sorry Dark Father… I should have reported the unclean thoughts to you immediately… I did not wish to appear weak or distracted from our important mission…and…

Lessee: And?
 Herrand: and I enjoyed them Dark Father…it felt good to be the object of desire for a goddess…
 Lessee: I am a most jealous god Herrand…do not be drawn away by the empty promises of my capricious sister. She would eat you alive… It would be most ruinous for us all. [To Gnilfeit] and you sister… have some sense of propriety… Herrand is my most trusted acolyte… he is not yours to play with. If you wish to debase yourself with one of my mortals…please find one less critical to our mission. Do you have any recommendations Herrand? Which of your men are… disposable?

Gnilfeit: You never were good at sharing brother…and if anything, trying to keep him all for yourself is only making me want him more… you should know that…

Lessee: I have many other acolytes, sister.
 Gnilfeit: But I like this one! [Pout]


Lessee: I have made myself clear.

Gnilfeit: [Telepathic] Well improvised.
 Herrand: He doesn’t trust you at all! We’re fucking dead…
 Gnilfeit: He’ll keep me around… now I know what he is doing… he wants me where he can see me… be ready.
 [Min heavy footsteps and out of breath]

Min: Okay….Okay…. I just need a minute to process whatever the hell that was…
 H: Min…

Min: So…Deep in the Darklands…where there should be no life…no air… and certainly no people… I was just attacked by a …by someone or something I saw die an awful and harrowing death… almost becoming part of a terrifying and perplexing murder-suicide ….

H: Min…

Min: and saved by mythological leps….
for the god’s sake Min! [pause] I’m sorry… I don’t want to make this all about me… I don’t but I am fast running out of air… can we park our disbelief just for a moment and see if we can find something useful…

Min: Sorry…it’s all just..

H: Super weird…I get it…
 Min: Yeah…yeah…[pause and breath] hey… look… I know we talked about finding something here that could save us… and …yeah…it…you know…long shot…but not impossible, right? No point in giving up hope… but… this place…there’s

H: Hey! Hey! Don’t let defeat sneak in yeah? If we are breathing there is a chance… and hells… even if or when I stop breathing there is still hope for you… so don’t give up, eh? You’ve got a family to get back to…
 Min: Yeah…ummm…yeah… but what am I even looking for?
 H: You’re looking for another Ogone…

Min: What?
 H: And then you’re looking for transport…
 Min: Another Ogone?
 H: That’s what we’re all hoping is here, right? Something powerful…something that can transform the world…and something has got to have been powering this giant atmodome for all this time, right?
 Min: Okay…so I look around and just stumble over another Ogone… then what?
 H: I mean… have you considered…just asking it to save us?
 Min: Ask it? Like just politely ask it?

H: I mean…yeah…why not?

Min: I’m not sure that’s how they work H…

H: Well…if that doesn’t work… you could try and use it to power a skyship or something right?

Min: Yeah…I’ll ask the Ogone I stumble over to rescue us… and if that doesn’t work… I’ll dig out a skyship… from under the sand…
 H: Fuckin’ hell Min! I am trying to stay fucking positive! Please! 
 Min: I’m sorry…I’m sorry…yeah…we never know…if we don’t try, right?
 H: I’m sorry…I’m sorry… I shouldnae snapped… you are stressed out too… this is all just… very stressful.
 Min: It’s okay…I understand…well…how about we take the path of least resistance first…
 H: The temple?
 Min: Biggest building here…not completely buried in sand… my people believe the Ogone is a holy relic… it could be there…
 H: You think it’s holy?
 Min: My people do…which is why my dad was so upset about it being used to power lifeless machines…
 H: And you thought I was daft for suggesting you talk to it!

Prayer is never wasted breath…but waiting for replies is wasted time…
 H: I like that one mate… I might steal it…
 Scene 7.5:

[Footsteps and scuttling Leps- as Min approaches the temple the Leps begin to act strangely]

Min: What…whats up?
 H: What me?
 Min: No…no the Leps…they are acting strangely… [to the Leps]…what? Don’t you want to follow me anymore?
 [Chirruping and scuttling sound]
 H: What are they doing?
 Min: They have just stopped all three of the ones following me… they’ve just all of them stopped in a perfect line… they seem agitated….
 H: Agitated how? They’re not gonna suddenly turn on you are they?
 Min: That would be just my luck… but no…it looks like they are trying to follow me to the temple but can’t…like they are bumping up against some sort of barrier…hold on…

[footsteps as Min walks over the Leps he waves his hand through the area]
I can’t feel anything…nothing like the atomodome barrier… [to the leps] come on…. come on little guys…with me…
 H: Do you actually want those creepy things following you about?

Min: They’ve saved me twice now… I want to hold on to what little luck I have left…[to Leps] Come on…Come on… maybe you just need a little push.
 [Leps screeches in agony and then runs away]
 Min: Oh! Oh my! I am sorry! I didn’t mean to…
 H: What happened?!
 Min: I…I pulled its leg and it just started disintegrating…anything which crossed the invisible line…
 H: Well…fuck… this place is just full of weirdness… I don’t want to start counting blessings before we enter the temple…but that seems like a pretty significant auger…
 Min: Significant…yeah…but ummm…good? Leps guide to safety and fortune H… if they can’t go here…
 H: Yeah…I feel you bud… but ummm…. needs must and all that right?...just…just be careful yeah.

Min: Yeah…Yeah…Right… there is an aperture in the roof I can see…I reckon I can climb up and get in that way.

[Sounds of climbing etc.]

Min: Bollocks…
 H: Long way down?
 Min: Yeah… long and dark… looks like this temple is huge…and it’s mostly underground…
 H: Hey! You’ll feel right at home… You’ve got rope, right?
 Min: Standard exped pack… 15 els of hempen rope… its not enough to get me down there…but maybe…I can see an upper terrace or balcony… I might be able to swing across to it with the length ive got…
 H: Like I say mate… be careful yeah…
 Min: Spelunking…don’t worry H…we are finally in my wheelhouse…
 H: Well… don’t get cocky…If you cop it…I’m fucked…
 Min: Your concern for my well-being is moving me to tears…
 H: We also need a rematch. I’m not having some little tinkerer outliving me and telling everyone they beat me at tiles….
 Min: I look forward to beating you again H… Okay…Here I go…
 [Sound of rope lowering and Lumes switching on]
 Min: Woah… this place is incredible… it’s all just lit up… lumes all over the walls just turned on…It’s….beautiful…. the stonework it’s exceptional…reminds me…reminds me of home…
 H: Don’t get distracted…get yourself across to the safety, yeah?
 Min: Yeah…yeah… okay… here I go.. [sound of heaving and swinging] One…..two…[snap] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
 H: Min! Min!

[Magical pulse]

Min: [scream getting less urgent and less panicked] AAAHHHHHHHH…ahhhh….ahhhh…oh….my….
 H: Are you kidding me Min?! are you pulling my fucking leg?!
 Min: No….No…I…I definitely just fell to my death…. The shitty exped rope snapped…
 H: But you made it to the terrace?
 Min: No... no… I am…slowly descending to the floor… like a feather falling…
 [sounds of more Lumes activating as he descends]
 H: Fuckin’ hells Min… you are one lucky bastard… ‘Spelunking! We’re finally in my wheelhouse!’

Min: It’s not my fault the issued kit is crap! Spent all the budget on LUDENs and couldn’t even splash out for well-made rope!
 H: Yeah…yeah… poor workmen and all that…I’m just glad you’re okay… I think I’m gonna die of apoplexy before I suffocate with you, you mad bastard. Gods bless Kabouter luck…
 Min: I’m starting to think it’s not luck H….
 H: What? What you reckon you’ve got a guardian angel on top of your wee Leps?
 Min: This place…the design…it feels very familiar…like the undercities… and…the walls…are filled with something that looks a lot like…yeah… Daep script…
 H: The kabouter language?
 Min: No… well yes… but Daep is the deepener tongue…and the script…it’s older…or so I’m told…more traditional… the other Kabouter tribes simplified their language to make it easier to deal with the surface dwellers…we…we didn’t want to…
 H: So, you reckon this place was built by your lot? Your tribe?

Min: It doesn’t make any sense… this is a surface city…I mean…it’s underground now but…Anderkant is most certainly a surface city…in the legends too… my people have always lived underground… The earth…it’s almost a religion to us… the surface is dangerous…a poison to the mind, body and spirit…

H: This place is pretty bloody old mate…only the gods know how old…we’ve only got the legends to go off and…well…they weren’t exactly focused on giving dates and times…maybe your lot lived on the surface in the last ages?
 Min: No…I mean…our stories tell us the darkness birthed us and the very earth was the womb…it’s why our skin is darker than our kin…or it’s supposed to be…
 H: Well… let’s not get too wrapped up in the history and culture eh…you said there are lumes… and you were just magically lowered to the ground… is it just me…or is it starting to sound like this place is powered by some sort of…

Min: Ogone… yeah…
 H: Well… how about we get looking for it then, eh?
 Min: No…
 H: What?
 Min: No need…
 H: What?’ve found it?
 Min: Not just one H… a lot of them….
 [thrumming sound growing]

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